June 21-22, 2021, Online Workshop hosted by the University of Calabria
Climate Change and Migration in Euro-Med Region:
Researches, Practices, Policies
In the workshop on June 21-22 June 2021, national and international researchers, academics, key stakeholders from civic society, institutional figures, different communities, associations are welcome. The workshop will include different sessions, presentations of case studies and discussions on case studies, videos, and round table on policy aspects. .
Its main objective is to provide a platform for sharing and learning on the nexus between climate change, migration and socio-cultural-economic perspectives, by observing the climate migration' countries of departure, such as North Africa and South Mediterranean, and the destination countries such as North Mediterranean and European countries – while exchange knowledge and promote a better understanding towards the forced climate migration within the researches, practitioners, and policy advisors throughout a long-term trans-cultural perspective.
The workshop aims at identifying actions based on the feedbacks received by the project members , so that concrete proposals of policies will be discussed , for both the resilience of specific territories and the inter-dialogue among the Mediterranean countries. The topics of the four sessions are:
- International recognition of climate migration, especially from the legal viewpoint and human rights.It maps the geographical barriers and social opportunities to promote proper policies.
- Push Factors for “forced migration”. Case study of communities obliged to leave their homeland, because of climate change and of specific environmental emergencies. Specifically, around the Lake of Chad in Africa.
- Pull Factors for “migrants’ absorption”. Some case studies of forced absorption in South European zones will be illustrated.
-Social Representations and Policies for the Future. Good practices and policies for cultural, social, economic integration in a long-term perspective will be analyzed.